Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fault lines in the Asian Pacific$FILE/ocha_VO_asi070806.pdf

Above is the link to a great map of where I am in the world. If you look closely you can see that the Maldives are however in the middle of the Arabian Plate, but we can go just a little to the right and find the Somali plate. The Somali plate is being created as the African plate splits across the East African plate. I found that the Arabian plate is one of three plates that is moving northwards and has created the Zagros mountains of Iran. With some help of Wikipedia and free wifi in the middle of nowhere, I found this information as well.
The Arabian plate interacts with these other plates:

If you click the blue it will take you to a wikipedia site that will show you all about the plates listed above...

The interaction that interested me the most was the fact that to the west of the Arabian plate is a divergent boundary with the African plate which is essentially the Somali plate as well. 
I think that I'm going to just relax and do my research on my computer......... But I did find some interesting stuff! 
Unfortunately I have to leave this beautiful resort in two days :( I hope to come back someday.

I'll get back to you about that later!

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